Conduz a pesquisa Matéria escura na Via Láctea: uma era de precisão, que tem apoio da FAPESP por meio do Programa Jovens Pesquisadores em Centros Emergentes.
O evento, que integra uma série de eventos chamada “Colóquios do IFSC”, ocorrerá às 10h30 no auditório Professor Sérgio Mascarenhas do IFSC e será transmitido pelo iptv.usp.br.
Mais informações:
Dark Matter in the Milky Way
The presence of dark matter on a wide range of astrophysical scales is one of the observational pillars of the current cosmological model. In particular, spiral galaxies are known to be dark matter dominated systems, and one of the most outstanding astrophysical proofs of its existence. Yet, retrieving information about the the dark matter distribution in our very own spiral Galaxy, the Milky Way, is quite challenging.
I will first show how a new set of analysis of purely observational data permit to draw strong model-independent conclusions on the presence of DM in the Milky Way and especially in its innermost regions.
In a second time, how these very sets of data allow us to both sketch the DM distribution while getting rid of theoretical bias, and to refine analysis based on theoretical priors (i.e. profiles from numerical simulations such as NFW or Einasto) to an unprecedented level of precision.
These new results open up an interesting avenue for the study of the dark matter distribution in the Milky Way with forthcoming observational results.
13 de Março de 2015.
Auditório Prof. Sergio Mascarenhas
Dr. Fabio Iocco
Universidade Estadua Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
Agência FAPESP