The invited experts will provide information specific to Germany on topics such as funding possibilities, how to find a supervisor, and different formats for doctoral studies.
The classroom atmosphere will guarantee enough time and space for discussion among the participants, the invited experts, and Brazilian doctoral students who already are pursuing their PhD studies at the FU Berlin and TU München.
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Short Presentation 1: Doctorate in Germany - Funding and Structures (15 min.)
Anja Grecko Lorenz, DAAD Brazil
Short Presentation 2: Doing Research at an International Network University - Doctoral Study Opportunities at Freie Universität Berlin (30 min.)
Christina Peters, Head, São Paulo Office FU Berlin
Dr. Astrid Bergmann, Coordinator, Natural & Life Sciences at Dahlem Research School
Short Presentation 3: Technische Universität München (TUM) - Research and Doctoral Studies at an Entrepreneurial University (30 min.)
Sören Metz, Liaison Officer Latin America, TUM Sao Paulo
Dr. Michael Klimke, Managing Director, TUM Graduate School
Coffee Break
Workshop: Application for a Doctorate - How to Proceed?
Dr. Astrid Bergmann, Coordinator, Natural & Life Sciences at Dahlem Research School
Dr. Michael Klimke, Managing Director, TUM Graduate School
Caio Yurgel, Doctoral Student DRS, FU Berlin
Daniele Stock, Doctoral Student TUM
Moderation: Christina Peters/Sören Metz
Workshop Language: ENGLISH
Time & Place
03.12.2014, 08:30 - 12:30
Centro Alemão de Ciência e Inovação São Paulo, Rua Verbo Divino 1488, Térreo, 04719-904, São Paulo, SP