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studentsProgramme - The Day of the International Student (DIS) 2010 will bring international students together and offer them a useful and unforgettable experience. During this national event you can meet students from all over the world at the DIS Plaza. There will be lots of activities such as workshops and lectures, followed by drinks, dinner and a party.
Why the DIS?

The DIS is organized by Nuffic to express their appreciation to the international students in higher education who have chosen the Netherlands as the place where they will further their education.

More information about the DIS 2010 will be available around June 2010.

For an impression of the DIS, have a look at

Event details
When :    13 Nov 2010 01:00
Where :    World Forum, The Hague
Contact Phone :    +31 70 4260 260

Fonte: Nuffic Neso Brazil